Danny Makkelie Husband, Forbes, Olugbeja, Wedding, Dress

Danny Makkelie Husband, Forbes, Olugbeja, Wedding, Dress:- Danny Makkelie, born in the Netherlands, is a respected international football referee known for his career on and off the field. Starting as a police inspector, he became a FIFA referee, officiating over 300 domestic matches and more than 47 Champions League games. One notable moment was officiating the Euro 2020 semi-final, where a controversial penalty decision sparked debates. Makkelie’s background in law enforcement has shaped his calm and precise approach to refereeing. His ongoing influence in football highlights his important role in setting standards for officiating worldwide.

Danny Makkelie Bio

NameDanny Makkelie
Date of Birth(Date of birth not specified)
CareerFIFA Referee
DebutEredivisie debut in 2009
International DebutNamed FIFA referee in 2011
Matches OfficiatedOver 300 domestic matches, 47+ Champions League matches
Notable EventsOfficiated Euro 2020 semi-final; Champions League matches including Bayern Munich vs Arsenal
ControversiesEuro 2020 semi-final penalty decision
BackgroundFormer police inspector, Netherlands
SkillsCalm under pressure, precise decision-making
ImpactInfluential in football officiating, setting standards globally

Danny Makkelie Personal Life and Age

Danny Makkelie maintains a private personal life, focusing primarily on his career as a highly regarded international football referee. While specific details about his age are not publicly disclosed, Makkelie’s professional journey and accomplishments are well-documented. His commitment to officiating spans from domestic leagues to prestigious international events like the Champions League and major tournaments such as Euro 2020. Renowned for his composed demeanor and accurate decision-making on the field, Makkelie remains a respected authority in football officiating, influencing standards and discussions within the global football community.

Danny Makkelie Forbes

Danny Makkelie, a Dutch professional football referee, has officiated numerous high-profile international matches. Alongside his refereeing responsibilities, Makkelie serves as a police inspector in Rotterdam and a referee coach for the Royal Dutch Football Association. His career has led him to prestigious stages in European football, such as UEFA Europa League and UEFA Champions League finals, as well as matches at the 2020 UEFA European Championship and the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Danny Makkelie Olugbeja

Danny Makkelie, a Dutch professional football referee, officiates high-profile international matches. Alongside refereeing, he serves as a police inspector in Rotterdam and coaches for the Royal Dutch Football Association. His career includes UEFA Europa League and Champions League finals, plus appearances at Euro 2020 and the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Makkelie’s notable decision came in the Euro 2020 semi-final, awarding England a controversial penalty. Despite scrutiny, he remains respected for his competence. A FIFA-listed referee since 2011, Makkelie is slated to officiate at UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany.

Danny Makkelie Wedding and Dress

There is no credible evidence or details indicating that Danny Makkelie has married or worn a wedding dress. Search results do not provide reliable information about his personal life. Makkelie is a Dutch professional football referee known for officiating high-profile international matches, including UEFA European Championship and FIFA World Cup games. Despite occasional controversies, such as the Euro 2020 semi-final penalty decision, he is respected for his competence. The available information does not support claims about Makkelie’s marital status or involvement with a wedding dress.

Danny Makkelie Social Accounts

InstagramClick Here
Twitter (X)Click Here
FacebookClick Here


Who is Danny Makkelie? Danny Makkelie is a Dutch professional football referee known for officiating at high-profile international matches, including UEFA competitions and FIFA World Cup games.

What is Danny Makkelie’s background? Danny Makkelie started his career as a police inspector in Rotterdam before becoming a FIFA-listed referee. He also coaches referees for the Royal Dutch Football Association.

What are some notable matches Danny Makkelie has officiated? Makkelie has officiated UEFA Europa League and Champions League finals, as well as matches at the UEFA European Championship and the FIFA World Cup.

Has Danny Makkelie faced controversies? Yes, Makkelie has faced controversy, notably during the Euro 2020 semi-final where he awarded England a contentious penalty in extra time.

Is there information about Danny Makkelie’s personal life? There is limited public information about Makkelie’s personal life, including his marital status or any wedding details.

What is Danny Makkelie’s current role in football officiating? Danny Makkelie continues to officiate at top-level international matches and has been selected to referee at UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany.

How long has Danny Makkelie been a FIFA-listed referee? Makkelie has been a FIFA-listed referee since 2011, indicating his recognition and experience in international football officiating.

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