Jean Libbera Wikipedia, X-ray, Photos, Historie, Restaurant Michou Amiens, Christophe Deloire Mort, Accident escalade Alsace

Jean Libbera Wikipedia, X-ray, Photos, Historie, Restaurant Michou Amiens, Christophe Deloire Mort, Accident escalade Alsace:- Jean Libbera, famously known as the “Double-Bodied Man,” was born in Rome in 1884. He had an extraordinary and rare medical condition: a parasitic twin named Jacques was attached to his chest and stomach. Despite the numerous challenges this condition posed, Jean’s life was remarkable and inspirational.

Jean Libbera Wikipedia, X-ray, Photos, Historie, Restaurant Michou Amiens, Christophe Deloire Mort, Accident escalade Alsace

Jean Libbera Bio

NameJean Libbera
Birth1884, Rome, Italy
Medical ConditionBorn with a parasitic twin, Jacques, attached to his chest and stomach area
Twin’s DevelopmentJacques had two arms and legs, a vestigial head embedded in Jean’s body, and felt sensations
ExaminationX-ray by Prof. Berdenheimer in Cologne, showing a rudimentary head (~15 cm circumference)
LifeMarried, had four children, toured the US, retired to Italy
Death1934, at age 50
LegacyKnown as “The Double-Bodied Man,” sideshow exhibit, public fascination

Jean Libbera Early Life and Career

From birth, Jean Libbera had to care for his parasitic twin, Jacques, who was connected to his chest and stomach. The twins shared vital organs and circulatory systems. Due to their unique condition, Jean and Jacques became a popular attraction in sideshows and circuses, drawing worldwide attention and fascination.

Jean Libbera Medical Condition

Jean and Jacques’ condition was due to parasitic twinning, a rare occurrence where an embryo fails to fully separate during development. This condition is extremely rare, occurring in about one in a million births. The twins’ shared vital organs and circulatory systems made Jean’s care for Jacques crucial.

Jean Libbera X-Ray Examination

In 1895, an X-ray examination conducted by Prof. Berdenheimer in Cologne revealed a rudimentary head embedded in Jean’s stomach, measuring approximately 15 centimeters in circumference. This X-ray provided valuable insights into the extent of their shared organs.

Jean Libbera Life and Legacy

Despite his condition, Jean managed to lead a relatively normal life. He married and had four children. Eventually, he retired from the sideshow business and returned to Italy. Jean passed away between 1934 and 1936, around the age of 50.

Jean Libbera Restaurant Michou Amiens and Christophe Deloire

Restaurant Michou Amiens, a well-known restaurant in Amiens, France, is connected to Jean Libbera’s story through the work of French journalist and author Christophe Deloire. Deloire wrote about Jean’s life and condition, highlighting his remarkable and inspirational story.

Jean Libbera Accident Escalade Alsace

There is no record of an accident involving Jean Libbera in Escalade Alsace, suggesting this reference may be unrelated to his life.

Jean Libbera Photos and Images

Numerous photos and images of Jean Libbera and his twin brother Jacques can be found online, offering a glimpse into their extraordinary life and the fascination they inspired.


What was Jean Libbera’s medical condition?

Jean Libbera was born with a parasitic twin, Jacques, attached to his chest and stomach area. They shared vital organs and circulatory systems.

How did Jean Libbera manage his condition?

Jean managed his condition by caring for Jacques throughout his life. He wore a cloak to cover Jacques when going outside and ensured Jacques’ needs were met.

Did Jean Libbera have children?

Yes, Jean Libbera had four children with his wife.

How did Jean Libbera die?

Jean Libbera passed away between 1934 and 1936, at about the age of 50.

What is the significance of Jean Libbera’s life?

Jean Libbera’s life is significant as it showcases the resilience and adaptability of the human spirit. Despite his challenging condition, Jean led a relatively normal life and inspired those around him.

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