Galen Winsor Wikipedia, Wiki, Ate Uranium, Eating Uranium, Physicist

Galen Winsor Wikipedia, Wiki, Ate Uranium, Eating Uranium, Physicist:- Galen Winsor was a well-known nuclear physicist recognized for his significant contributions to nuclear energy. Born on June 4, 1926, in Peterson, Morgan County, Utah, his life was filled with both notable achievements and controversies. This article delves into his early life, career, and the debates surrounding his work.

Galen Winsor Wikipedia, Wiki, Ate Uranium, Eating Uranium, Physicist

Galen Winsor Bio

NameGalen Winsor
ProfessionNuclear Physicist
LocationVarious locations, including Hanford, WA; Oak Ridge, TN; Morris, IL; San Jose, CA; Wilmington, NJ
EducationNuclear Physics and Engineering
– Various institutions and facilities
– Manhattan Project facilities, Hanford Site, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, General Electric’s Midwest Fuel recovery plant, General Electric’s fuel fabrication facility
ExperienceNuclear Power Plant Design and Operations
– Hanford, WA; Oak Ridge, TN; Morris, IL; San Jose, CA; Wilmington, NJ
– Worked at and helped design nuclear power plants in various locations
Nuclear Fuel Inventory and Storage Control
– Various facilities
– Responsible for measuring and controlling nuclear fuel inventory and storage
– Has worked extensively in nuclear power plants and facilities, including Hanford, Oak Ridge, and General Electric facilities
– Has expertise in nuclear radiation measurement and control
– Has traveled and lectured extensively on nuclear energy and the nuclear scare scam
Other– Has written books on the subject, including “The Plutonium Hoax Nuclear Scare Proven”
– Has been featured in various media, including podcasts and interviews

Galen Winsor Early Life and Education

Galen Winsor was the third child and first son of Murkins Terry Winsor and Eleanor Hulet. His father passed away when Winsor was three, and his mother later married Josiah Adair, a close friend of Murkins. The family relocated to Pioche and then Panaca, Nevada. Winsor graduated from Lincoln County High School in 1944 and joined the Navy that September. He served in the South Pacific as a radio operator on Guam, where he was wounded by a sniper.

After his military service, Winsor attended Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah, earning a degree in chemistry. During his time at BYU, he met LaDene Mikkelsen, whom he married in the Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on August 29, 1947.

Galen Winsor Career

Winsor began his career at General Electric in Hanford, Washington, working as a nuclear chemist. He contributed to processes involving the extraction of plutonium. In 1950, he moved to Richland, Washington, continuing his work at Hanford and serving as a missionary in the Northern States Mission.

In the 1960s, Winsor moved to San Jose, California, where he was involved in designing a commercial nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. Later, he moved to Joliet, Illinois, managing a uranium ore facility. He also worked for United Nuclear, participating in various projects promoting nuclear energy.

Galen Winsor Controversies

Winsor’s work and claims were highly controversial. Known for his bold and unconventional methods, he often contradicted established scientific understanding and safety protocols. Some of his notable assertions include:

  • Swimming in Spent Fuel Pools: Winsor claimed to have swum in a pool used for storing spent nuclear fuel rods and even drank water from it, suggesting the water was not harmful.
  • Eating Uranium: In 1986, he claimed to have eaten uranium, arguing it did not significantly impact his health due to its low radioactivity and high toxicity threshold.
  • Downplaying Radiation Dangers: Winsor frequently minimized the dangers of radiation, asserting that public fears of nuclear power and radioactive materials were exaggerated.
  • Conspiracy Theories: He proposed a conspiracy by an energy cartel to misinform the public about the dangers of radioactive materials, which he believed were largely harmless.

Galen Winsor Legacy

Galen Winsor’s legacy remains a topic of discussion regarding nuclear safety and public perception of radiation risks. While his actions and claims were met with skepticism and criticism, they also sparked important debates about handling and perception of radioactive materials. Winsor’s work and legacy continue to influence nuclear science, and his contributions will be remembered for years to come.


What was Galen Winsor’s role in the nuclear industry?

Galen Winsor was a nuclear physicist who worked at various nuclear facilities, including Hanford, Washington, and Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He was involved in designing and operating nuclear power plants and was known for his expertise in nuclear fuel inventory and storage.

Did Galen Winsor eat uranium?

Yes, Galen Winsor claimed to have eaten uranium in 1986 and argued it did not significantly impact his health due to its low radioactivity and high toxicity threshold.

What were Galen Winsor’s views on radiation safety?

Galen Winsor frequently minimized the dangers of radiation, asserting that public fears of nuclear power and radioactive materials were exaggerated. He believed the dangers of radiation were overstated and that the public was being misinformed by an energy cartel.

What was the Three Mile Island Incident?

The Three Mile Island Incident was a partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Pennsylvania in 1979. Galen Winsor claimed the incident did not occur and was fabricated to stoke public fears.

What was Galen Winsor’s work at Brown University?

Galen Winsor worked at Brown University as a research software engineer, developing software for various experiments and projects. He also taught as a teaching assistant and was involved in climate policy initiatives.

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